29:31Episode 1
Faithville Trusting and Knowing God
Episode 1
Is this where you want me, God? Laugh with Miss Evidence as she learns to trust God.
29:29Episode 2
Faithville Savation
Episode 2
What's it all about? Join us as Mr. Doubt has a very important encounter with God.
29:34Episode 3
Faithville Discipleship
Episode 3
I have to follow who? Find out what it means to be in God's army!
29:37Episode 4
Faithville Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Episode 4
Did you say dynamite power? Don't miss Miss Rosa's testimony of what her life was like before she found the True Source of power.
29:23Episode 5
Faithville Called to be Servants Part 1
Episode 5
Who are the new waitresses in town? Join us as two young ladies learn the how-not-to's of serving God.
29:31Episode 6
Faithville Called to be Servants Part 2
Episode 6
Chef a la Cutright? Mr. Cutright learns what can happen when we try to serve God where we don't belong.
29:35Episode 7
Faithville Godly Companions
Episode 7
Who are Doc's new friends? Discover the value of godly friends.
29:34Episode 8
Faithville God the Giver
Episode 8
Do you know any old runners? Watch Charity's prayers be answered as she gives to God.
29:40Episode 9
Faithville Don't Compromise
Episode 9
Have you heard about the fish that got away? Go fishing with Mr. Cutright and learn what happens when we compromise on God's Word.
29:39Episode 10
Faithville Seeds? Sew What?
Episode 10
Where are my seeds? Learn the importance of planting the right seeds.
Faithville Seends that Bring a Blessed Harvest
Episode 11
What kind of seeds are you planting? Discoer how to reap a harvest from God's Word.
28:33Episode 12
Faithville Soil- This Isn't a Dirty Word
Episode 12
Will Farmer Waterwell have to leave Faithville? Join the men of Faithville as they find out what soil and hearts have in common.
28:40Episode 13
Faithville Roots on Rocks
Episode 13
Is it a rock garden? Find out what happens when God's Word falls on rocky soil.
28:33Episode 14
Faithville This is a Thorny Issue
Episode 14
A murder? Discover the danger of having God's Word falling amoung 'thorns'
29:43Episode 15
Faithville Christmas in Faithville
Episode 15
Will Waterwell's gift arrive on time? A heart-warming expression about the true meaning of Christmas.