Truth For A New Generation
43 Episodes
Truth for a New Generation conferences are the premiere Christian apologetics conferences in America. For 20 years, Truth for a New Generation has assembled some of the world’s top voices to develop and defend the Christian faith, such as Josh McDowell (Evidence That Demands a Verdict), Lee Strobel (The Case for Christ), J. Warner Wallace (Cold Case Christianity), and many more. Through their instruction, students and adults have been inspired to live passionate for God and serve Him with others.
Truth For A New Generation Rascism in the US
Episode 1
Alex discusses how the Bible teaches against racism and discusses current events with Pastor Odell Cleveland.
Truth For A New Generation The Covid Era
Episode 2
Alex discusses the impact of Covid with Dr. Oscar Nijhi and how the BIble guides us through pandemics.
Truth For A New Generation Where Is God When We Suffer?
Episode 3
Alex dives into the Covid Pandemic and asks is God here when we need him? Dr. Erwin Lutzer joins with his insight on how God uses trageties and suffering to communicate with us.
Truth For A New Generation Cancel Culture and the Freedom of Speech
Episode 4
Alex tackles the Freedom of Speech and how history will look back at this moment in time, plus a discussion with author Eric Metaxas.
Truth For A New Generation History, Patriotism, and Loving America
Episode 5
Alex lays out an argument for why we should love America and teach out children to be patriotic. He is joined by author Dr. Marshall Foster in the discussion.
Truth For A New Generation The Spiritual Foundation of America
Episode 6
Join Alex as he delves into the spiritual origins in The United States and discusses these ideas with historian William J Federer.
Truth For A New Generation The Historical Reset
Episode 7
Where is history headed? Will time as we know it abruptly come to an end? Are we near the time that history's "pause button" is about to be pressed? Join Alex as he tackles those questions and hear what expert Dr. E.L. Towns has to say.
Truth For A New Generation God is Reasonable
Episode 8
Is it reasonable to believe in God? Is there evidence to suggest that God Exists? Alex discusses the evidence of God with professor of philosophy and religion, Dr. Juan Valdez.
Truth For A New Generation American Theology
Episode 9
Was America founded on Biblical principals? Or was the country created merely as a secular enterprise? Alex gives a historical perspective and has a conversation with a historian and best selling author Dr Jerry Newcombe.
Truth For A New Generation How Social Media is Changing the Way We Behave
Episode 10
We know Social Media informs us but how does it influence us? Does logging on wear us out? Join Alex as he finds out how social media effects us from Psychologist and author Christopher Miller, Ph. D.
28:54Episode 11
Truth For A New Generation Gender Change
Episode 11
Are men and women the same? Did God intend for people to alter their gender? Are traditional gender roled being attacked? Alex and Dr. Tim Clinton discuss gender and the consequences of abandoning traditional roles.
Truth For A New Generation Christian Worldview
Episode 12
How does being a Christian shape our worldview? What is the impact of our life experiences on how we help others? Alex is joined by Tracey Lynn Russell.
Truth For A New Generation Prolife and Christianity
Episode 13
What is the Bible's stance on abortion? Is Pro-Life more than abortion? Join Alex as he finds in the answers.
Truth For A New Generation The History of Israel
Episode 14
The History of Israel and why she's important. Alex discusses the history of Israel with a Rabbi. Plus learn how you can be an advocate.
Truth For A New Generation Faith in Politics
Episode 15
Alex discusses the connections between faith and the founding of the country with Representative Mark Walker and how those connections are still in use today.
Truth For A New Generation The Role of Religion in US Politics
Episode 16
Alex Is joined by Walker Wildmon of American Family to discuss the role of Christianity plays and should play in politics.
Truth For A New Generation The Lasting Impact of Fatherhood
Episode 17
Alex goes over the facts on importance of fatherhood on out children. Author and speaker Bob Reccord joins with insights into the changing dynamic of the American family.
Truth For A New Generation The Role of Public Education
Episode 18
What is the rold of Public Education in the US? Is it to blame for the rise of secularism and Socalism? Alex tackles these tough questions with guest, Colonel Ray Moore.
Truth For A New Generation The Evidence for Christianity
Episode 19
God is real. Alex presents the evidence for God with special guest Dr. Frank Turek.
Truth For A New Generation Keeping Youth Engaged in Christ
Episode 20
Why do so many teens and young adults leave the Church? Alex is joined by Gail and Ray Moore to discuss how to keep Christ in children's lives.
Truth For A New Generation Creationism + What We Know
Episode 21
What do we know about the origins of the universe and what is our proof? Alex and guest, Bob Kelly give insights into one of the most important questions of faith.
Truth For A New Generation The State of Our State
Episode 22
Should Christians be concerned about the fate of the consultation? Alex and guest North Carolina Supreme Court Chief Justice Paul Newby discuss the constitution and the health of the country.
Truth For A New Generation Modern Science and The Belief in God
Episode 23
The search for life in space has many questioning God. Does science limit a personal relationship with God? Dr. Gary Habermas shares his views on science and atheism.
Truth For A New Generation The Bible in Today's World
Episode 24
The BIble is as relevant today as the news. Rev. John Willett and Alex discuss the different ways to study the Bible and how it relates to your life today.